Menu seres'18, Eskişehir IV. International Ceramic, Glass, Porcelain, Enamel, Glaze and Pigment Congress (SERES'18), Eskişehir

Paper Submission

The official language of SERES 2018 is English and there will be no simultaneous translation from English to Turkish.

The abstract will be maximum 250 words and emphasise the aim of the study and the important points. There will be no figures and tables. The abstract should have the contact details (including the e-mail) of at least one author (preferably the presenting author). The deadline for abstract submission is 17th of August 2018.

Please specify your presentation preference in e-mail as "POSTER PRESENTATION" or "ORAL PRESENTATION".

Abstracts should be sent to e-mail address.

Click to Download Abstract Sample

Oral Presentation Instructions

Poster Preparation Instructions